Specalized Tutoring

Brain Training and Tutoring for Teens/Children

Are your child's/teen’s grades not what you expect, but you’re not sure what to do?

Do you secretly wish your child could just “work harder”?

Are you tired of paying out for tutors year after year?


If you answered “yes” to any of the questions above, help for your student’s focus & attention is available!

Keli can teach your student how to use more parts of the brain when in class and when doing homework. Parents will also learn fun exercises to do with their student that will aid with the following:

  • Decrease homework time.

  • Improve attention during school.

  • Improve executive functioning skills.

Tutoring sessions are scheduled, one-on-one, eight-week sessions where your student’s brain training plan is custom made to equip both parent and child for lasting change.

If tutoring is needed to help your child catch up in their class work, we can help as well. However, the long-term goal is to equip each student with the necessary tools to do better in class so the need for tutoring fades away.

Help your student get on the right track with specialized tutoring today!

Do you live too far away? Online tutor sessions are available. Enroll now →

Coming soon: Online training you can do at home if you do not live near our training location



Q: What ages of students will benefit?

A: Students in grades 3 through college. This is an excellent toolbox whether you are home educating or have your student in a public/private learning environment.


Q: How is this different than tutoring?

A: Tutoring usually addresses specific tasks the teacher is presenting and preparing for assessments. Tutoring usually finds specific tasks that the child needs to have filled in. We can tutor your student when needed. But we emphasize the brain training so the need for tutoring will fade away.


Q: Does a parent have to come?

A: The brain exercises are best learned and practiced with a partner. The partner could be a care provider/babysitter. The exercises are interactive, which is very important to retention and using more parts of the brain. The student’s weekly visits will track progress and give the weekly instructions. (How about grandparent and student? That’s an ideal situation!)


Q: Will I need to do the exercises with my student?

A: Yes, and your brain will love it! We’d love to hear how you and your student benefit from being brain training partners! Make it a family activity! The whole family can participate or share the home training times.


Q: How long will it take to experience results?

A: This varies with individuals and what you put into it. If the student does the activities daily, improvement will be gained quicker. Isn’t that how it is with physical training? Same thing. But please don’t sabotage the efforts with a sugary diet and lack of sleep. “Doing good and avoiding bad” will help! We’ll coach you in what that means.


Q: Do you give us homework to do?

A: You will receive a training booklet with goals for the week for your student’s individualized progress. You will also be trained in how to how to make the exercises harder.


Q: Can’t we just do some computer brain games?

A: Our goal is to encourage as many parts of the brain being engaged during the period of time you are investing in brain training. Computer games lack the social interaction piece which is more whole brained. Being involved as the student’s trainer, you will see results as well as training your brain. It’s like a two-for-one!